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WE can help you to BECOME a Qualified Holistic Practitioner and Teacher just like us, to find your True Direction & Soul's Calling and help serve your community. Or book in Online or in Person for a Healing Session with any of the Courses/Treatments that we offer.

Once you do a Workshop you receive an ATTUNEMENT into the Energy Ray, which stays with you for eternity. Healing you on all levels, past (your ancestors) present (the now) and future (your lineage) The Attunement goes into your DNA healing your Blueprint. Activating your cells and memory and helping you to discover your unique Souls Mission. The energy goes into your Aura.

Please email for more information and dates of the following Courses

Rahanni Celestial Healing, (Great treatment for children to receive)


We offer a Beautiful One day Workshop recommended for parents or guardians to enhance their

own life or to give their children treatments. Love is all we need.

From the Heavenly Dimensions of Reality. Healing for the heart from the heart. Rahanni Celestial

Healing is something quite special and has been given to humanity as a Gift from Source/God.

Channelled by the ‘higher-beings of love and light’, to anchor an abundance of Light, Spiritual

Knowledge and Wisdom into our aura to keep us as balanced as possible. Helps with ADHD

and Ritalin. Great for children, bringing a better quality of life, helping to bring out and open

them up to their natural essence of Truth, Love and Compassion. "We are of one Heart ‘ now

and forever.



Book your child into a 2 hour children's workshop, where we teach the child the colours of

the chakras. (Rainbow)

We include a short Meditation and introduce gentle Sound Healing.

The child can be accompanied by their parent or guardian for support.

A very enjoyable way for a parent or guardian to gently introduce the child to light energy.

We are also available to visit pre-schools, schools or groups with this workshop.

Dr Usui Grand Reiki Master Teacher


Jennifer Maddy & Brenda Coburn Murnaghan have both completed Intensive Courses

including practical theory & attunements in Dr. Usui Healing Systems of Reiki Natural

Healing to the 6th Degree, Grand Master Level guided & supported by Eileen McCourt,   

Reiki Grand Master teacher and practitioner.

Please contact us if you are interested in learning the following courses.

● Reiki Seichem Master Teacher (Ann Watters)

● Reiki Master Teacher (Ann Watters)

● Fire Spirit Reiki Master Teacher

● Mary Magdalene Reiki Teacher

● Pyramid of Isis Reiki Teacher

● Seraphim Reiki Teacher

● Reiki Archangels Teacher

● Mother Mary Teacher

● Karuna-Prakriti Reiki Teacher

● Unicorn Reiki Teacher

● Pegasus Reiki Master Teacher.

● Psychic Energy Surgery Healing Practitioner.

IET (Integrated Energy Therapy) by Stevan J Thayer.


The Healing Angels of the Energy Field ( my favourite workshop) This Course can be taught Online or in Person.

Heart to Heart Healing. Learn how to establish an Angelic Heartlink to the 9 Healing Angels of IET, Ariel, Raphael, Gabriel, Celestina, Faith, Cassiel, Daniel, Sarah and Michael. Invite the Angels into your life to integrate their energy with yours.

One Day Certified Workshop with Sacred Sound by Brenda Coburn Murnaghan during the meditations.

Integrated Energy Therapy’s 7 Steps to Transformation

This Course can be taught Online or in Person


Heartlink with your Angel

Activate your 12-Strand DNA

Clear your Karma

Achieve True Forgiveness

Empower your Heart

Journey to a Future Lifetime

Cut Cords of Codependency

Basic Level of IET. (Integrated energy therapy)


A lovely workshop. Open the Channel of Compassion. The objective of IET is to provide a

simple and gentle way to open the flow of Vital Life Force Energy within the body and the

human energy field by integrating suppressed feelings from the cellular memory and clearing

associated energy blockages.


Intermediate Level of IET


Learn how to clear emotional imprints from your physical, emotional, mental and spiritual

layers of your Human Energy Field.


Advanced Level of IET.


Bring your Souls mission to life. Clear your resistance to Living your Soul’s Mission. Align

your Power and Build Spiritual Mastery.

Contact Me.


© 2023 Jennifer Maddy. All rights reserved.

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